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Our Services

 We know that your hair is very important to you, and you are to us. Yasemin Turgut employs highly specialized hair surgeons and experts with many years of experience in performing hair transplants in Turkey. The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. We want to accompany you and reveal your best self in the processes we have created with the policy of "Your Friend in Turkey", from the moment you fill out the application form. Yasemin Turgut offers you the best medically supported and scientifically tested solutions for hereditary, circular and hormonal hair loss. You can get a free quote and analysis from our team immediately by filling out the patient form.

Our doors are always open to you after the procedure, even years later. . .


 We carry out many studies that support patient psychology at Yasemin Turgut. You can consult our advisors about everything that comes to your mind about the treatment, and you can get psychological support in line with your request.


FUE Hair Transplant

Various hair transplant techniques are used in Turkey. Fue (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique is the latest technology in the world's hair transplantation field. With the modern and state-of-the-art FUE Technique, the Hair Transplantation method begins by applying local anesthesia to the nape of the head, between the two ears.


Individual hair grafts containing 1-4 hairs are removed. Grafts are taken one by one with the help of a micromotor. Hair Transplantation with Fue Technique, there is no pain before or after the procedure.


The Fue technique doesn't require a scalpel used in the donor area and no scar is left in the area where the roots are taken. The grafts taken are placed in the bald area of ​​the recipient one by one. This is a highly preferred method because it does not fall behind in social life.

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One of the most beneficial aspects of hair transplantation is completing the procedure in a single day. In this way, it is a highly preferred method because it does not fall behind from social life.

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In the FUE process, 0.7 - 0.8 - 0.9 mm thick punches are used according to each person's own hair structure. The hair direction is taken into account in the hair transplant process. It is possible to get 5500 grafts in a single session.

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The patient is discharged on the same day after the local dressing is applied only in the rooted area at the end of the procedure.

DHI Hair Transplant

There are many reasons for hair loss. According to studies, people are thinning hair up to the age of 50. More than 85 percent of men and more than 50 percent of women experience noticeable hair loss during their lifetime. Along with this, various hair transplant surgeries have been developed to help the lost hair regrow. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a modification of the FUE technique.

In FUE, a surgeon manually cuts the channels in your scalp before implanting the hair follicles. During DHI, they use a special pen-shaped tool that can do both at the same time. Our surgeon will remove hair follicles from a part of your scalp, usually from the back of your head, and place them on bald areas. These hair follicles will eventually grow new hair.


What awaits you in general during the procedure?

1 - Your surgeon will shave your head and apply a local anesthetic to numb it.

2 - The surgeon will remove the hair follicles from the back of your head using a fine-tipped instrument.

3 - Hair follicles will be loaded into a pen-shaped instrument and implanted in the balding part of your scalp.

4 - The surgeon will apply an antibiotic cream and apply a bandage to all areas.


 FUE and DHI surgeries usually take about 8 hours to complete, but the exact time may vary depending on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted. It may take 12 to 18 months to see the full results of the surgery.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

 Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most popular and widely used hair transplant method.

 Simply, the technique involves removing and transplanting individual follicular units containing about 1-4 hairs from one part of the body to another. This means taking hair follicles from the back or sides of the head where there is still good density and transplanting them into the balding area on the top of the head. Despite the high levels of success, the classic FUE method is constantly evolving around new innovative ideas and technologies. In recent years, sapphire has taken a step forward with the introduction of what is known as FUE. This is not a completely new technique, but rather an improvement of the existing FUE method.

 Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is performed in almost the same way as an ordinary FUE transplantation. The difference between them is the blade used in the channeling phase. While steel blades are used for this process in the classical FUE method, the sapphire FUE technique is performed using sapphire blades, as the name suggests. Sapphire blades made of the gemstone are known for their sharpness, smoothness and durability. It is these features that allow the surgeon to create essentially smaller, more accurate incisions in the recipient area, known as microchannels.

 This is important because the canalization is the most important stage of hair transplant surgery. As mentioned, the nature of the channels created plays a role in determining the density, angle and direction of new hair growth after the procedure. Having the ability to create smaller and more precise channels using a sapphire blade can produce results that look more natural than a traditional steel blade. 

Beard and mustache transplantation

Beard and mustache transplantation is a one-session procedure performed under local anesthesia. It is a painless procedure that lasts approximately 4-5 hours. Some small crusts can be seen in the transplanted area the day after the procedure. However, it will pass soon. The hairs at the tip of the planted roots fall out after 15 days. This is a normal process. After three months, the hairs begin to grow again. Within 6 to 8 months, the beard and mustache of the desired measure will get sick.


It is very important because the experience of people who plant beards and mustaches will affect the result. Beard and mustache transplantation applied by our team is carefully applied.

Eyebrow Transplantation

  Eyebrow transplantation operation is performed with FUE hair transplantation logic. The procedure performed under local anesthesia takes up to 3-4 hours. Roots taken from the nape area are used in eyebrow transplantation. These roots need to be placed at a certain angle and in a certain direction to the area to be transplanted. Hair follicles come out of the skin at a 45 degree angle. Eyebrows are very different. They come out of the skin at an angle of about 10-15 degrees. They have a shape directed upwards in the inner area of the eyebrow, parallel to the ground as it appears and slightly downwards on the outer part of the eyebrow. For this reason, extreme care should be taken when opening a canal during eyebrow transplantation. Otherwise, when the eyebrow is planted incorrectly, it may come out differently, in

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